Balean to the local coordinator of the Chiapas Candidate Campaign


TUXTLA GUTIÉRREZ, Chis., (Appro) .- A few hours before election day in Chiapas, armed individuals on board a motorbike attempted to execute the party campaign coordinator Podemos Mover in Chiapas, in the municipality of Mapastepec, who was seriously injured.

At around 1:30 pm on Friday, David Ponce Montes arrived at the country house of the Podemos Removals Festival in Chiapas, located in the center of Mapastepec, when suddenly two people who were on board a motorcycle [19659003] The shots went directly to David Ponce, who received three 9mm bullets in the abdomen and another in the right arm. Witnesses called the emergency service for the ambulance to arrive from the Red Cross and transported the wounded to the city 's public hospital.

Elements of the Single Command and Preventive State Police, carried out an operation, however, the criminals fled in a descocido course.

In a press release, the purple party's state leadership reiterated its call on all political forces in the state to favor civility and respect among opponents in the current electoral contest .

He also called on the authorities of the three levels of government to remain vigilant and to intervene in a timely manner.

David Ponce Montes is one of the closest collaborators of the municipal presidential candidate of Mapastepec for the moving to Chiapas, Martín Ruiz Rosales and his health is stable, once He was operated on.

According to district attorney Istmo Costa, Carlos Montesinos García, experts and specialized ministries Public conducts investigations around the aggression against the coordinator of the municipal party campaign We can move to Chiapas in the municipality of Mapastepec, David Ponce Montes.

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