Bandai Namco Announces Programming for Gamescom 2018


After a period of rest after the E3 2018, companies are preparing all the details for the next big event of the year and Bandai Namco today unveils its line-up of titles for the 2018 gamescom, to be held from 21 to 25 August Cologne, Germany

Through a statement, Bandai Namco has formalized the list of titles to be presented at gamescom 2018, which will be available in the stand located in Room 6. The list includes 11 titles that can be tested by the assistants and among them highlight Dragon Ball FighterZ in its version for Switch, that it will debut on September 28th. In addition, the company will allow participants to have an approach to the gameplay of Jump Force title fights planned to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the publication of the manga Shonen Jump. Speaking of games like this, Bandai Namco confirmed the presence of SoulCalibur VI the new expected episode of the series that will begin next October.

Similarly, Bandai Namco will show the European public more details about Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown and its anticipated RPG action, Vein Code scheduled for release in September [19659004] Remember that in this link you will find all announcements before the celebration of gamescom 2018 and here you will find the most interesting information coming out of the European event

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