Debit and credit cards issued by Bankia can now be used with the Apple Pay payment platform .

The two companies announced the conclusion of the agreement several weeks ago. However, this was not implemented for customers until today when the commercial offer and the availability of the service became effective.

Apple Pay works in Spain since 2016 He arrived with Banco Santander, American Express and Carrefour

The mobile payment platform developed by Apple allows payments in stores online and physical institutions with a compatible POS . In Spain, the vast majority of companies have such a terminal, which is an idyllic market for services such as Apple Pay.

To preserve the security of the transaction, Apple intervenes several security measures during the process of purchase . The most superficial is biometric authentication, much more secure than the digital confirmation of the current physical card code. Behind this are also advanced encryption and tokenization systems that maintain customer confidentiality and reduce the risk of fraud.

Apple Pay uses higher security measures than traditional payment systems.

Apple Pay arrived in Spain in 2016 from Banco Santander, American Express and Carrefour Financial Services. In the following months, entities such as Caixabank, N26, Open Bank, EVO Banco and Caja Rural joined.