Barbosa defies the elections before the IEE-Puebla – Noticaribe


PUEBLA, MX .- In order to cancel the election and invalidate the majority record with which the State Electoral Institute (EEI) declared governor-elect Martha Erika Alonso Hidalgo, who was a candidate of the alliance Por Puebla at the front, the flag-bearer of the coalition Together we will make history, Luis Miguel Barbosa Huerta, presented two appeals of disagreement, published The Jornada

In a text addressed to the president of the General Council of the IEE, Jacinto Herrera Serrallonga, who will have to hand it over to the State Electoral Tribunal, the authorized senator asked, in the first place, a total recount of the vote cast on July 1, considering that the principle of certainty was affected because there were discrepancies in the district counties' minutes and the number of invalid votes is greater than the number of votes cast. supposed advantage of PAN.

Alonso, wife of former PAN governor, Rafael Moreno Valle Rosas, was postulated by the National Action (PAN), the Democratic Revolution, the Citizen Movement and the involvement of local parties by Puebla and Social Pact of Integration.

According to the final count, Alonso Hidalgo obtained one million 152 thousand 978 votes, 122 thousand 54 more than Barbosa Huerta, but the canceled ballots totaled 129 thousand 14.

In his appeal, the common candidate Morena parties , Labor and Social Encounter demanded the nullity of the election with the argument that its opponent of the PAN exceeded the limits of campaign expenses, incurs an unfair use of media and violated the constitutional principles that govern the elections. elections.

A central point of Barbosa's complaint is the installation of a "laboratory" PAN. at the MM Hotel in the city of Puebla, very close to the IEE building. The activities of this center, where so-called manipulated and falsified electoral materials, are the subject of an investigation by the Specialized Prosecutor for Electoral Crimes.

Barbosa Huerta stated that multiple acts of violence were committed during the election day. had a decisive effect on the outcome of the election; Likewise, he stressed, the Executive has incurred the misuse of public resources to promote the flag-bearer of the PAN

"This situation is attested by at least two specific facts: the unlawful and arbitrary detention of the Brigadistas de Morena.He also denounced omissions by local authorities to investigate the purchase of voice and violence throughout the entity, particularly theft. of 70 boxes by armed and hooded men, two of whom were transferred to a van belonging to the Government of Puebla, according to the Public Register of Vehicles.

When the document was issued, Luis Miguel Barbosa called the "police station". electoral authority to act with strict respect for the law, impartially and for the benefit of the inhabitants of Puebla.He warned that he would appeal to the Electoral Court of the Federal Judicial Branch if the local authorities did not comply with his requests . (Source: The Jornada)

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