Beb who was forgotten by his father inside his car dies


July 16, 2018

At the end of his work day, the man remembered that he had forgotten his baby inside the vehicle.

PHOTO: Pixabay

Last Friday, a year and a half year old baby lost his heat stroke, to be forgotten by his father for eight hours in his car.

The events occurred Pembroke Pines, north of Miami, where temperatures were recorded up to 32 degrees Celsius.

According to information from the Debate portal, at the end of his eight-hour work day, the man remembered that he had left his baby in his vehicle, so he called the police, but it was too late "Unfortunately, CPR rescue efforts and relief transportation did not prevent an unfortunate tragedy," lamented Sergeant Adam Feiner, who went to the father's call

. the circumstances in which there was abandonment of the small car inside; According to statistics from the Department of Meteorology and Climate Science of the State University of San Jose, in 2016, 39 children died in cars as a result of heat stroke in the United States. United. United Whereas in 2015 they were 25.

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