Belinda agreed to sing & # 39; Sapito & # 39 ;, but fans are disappointed | VIDEO | Mexico | Shows


Last Wednesday, the singer Belinda was at the closing of the campaign of the presidential candidate at Mexico Manuel López Obrador, which took place at the Azteca stadium, where the singer finally dared to "sing" the 39, one of the themes that led to the child's success: "Sapito"

This song was popularized thanks to the telenovela "Cómplices al rescate", which Belinda played in 2002. This song is requested by the public in every presentation of the Mexican, however, she always refused to interpret it, which made her mock.

YOU CAN SEE Belinda shares a picture with her father and calls him "father-in-law"

However, in the event named #AMLO Feste, Belinda was encouraged to "sing" the famous melody, but the fans were disappointed. Because? And it's the singer who sang the song but behind the scenes.

Belinda made the transition from the costume and left the scene while the mariachis were enthroned 'Sapito & # 39; accompanied by dancers dressed as cowboys & # 39;

Certainly if Belinda was still singing behind the scenes or if only the singers were singing the controversial melody. At the end of "Sapito", the singer appeared again on the stage to perform "As Who Loses a Star". Later, he invited Espinoza Paz to the stage, with whom he played "A normal hombre"

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