Benefits of clove for your health


Clove is an aromatic herb that is widely used in the kitchen, but that has more benefits for the health of what you imagine.

Clove has antibacterial, anesthetic, aphrodisiac, analgesic, antispasmodic and stimulating properties. Eugenol, a compound that prevents blood clotting, is one of the key compounds for its medicinal benefits. Clove is therefore very beneficial for cardiovascular health.

For nausea

Blend of clove and honey powder. Eliminate the gas

An infusion of 2-3 cloves in boiling water for 10 minutes (can be sweetened with honey) helps eliminate gas and flatulence.

For headaches

Prepare a paste with salt crystals, cloves and a little water and apply on the forehead and temples.

For dental pain

Apply a solution of ¼ teaspoon of olive oil with a drop of clove oil on the infected tooth or milling

For gum or dental pain in general

Apply and rub the clove powder, or moisten a cotton ball on clove oil and smell and place in the area painful: will generate an anesthetic effect.

To help contractions of labor

Massage the abdomen with clove oil.

For Otalgia

Blowing up a clove in a tablespoon of sesame tea oil. Allow to heat and apply a few drops in the ear.

For Treatment of Cholera

Boil 10 cups of water with a teaspoon of cloves until water is reduced by half. Drink this therapeutic infusion several times a day.

For motion sickness

Especially in higher elevations, drink a brew of one liter of water with 1 teaspoon of cloves

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