Between acceptance and health


New century

Salma Martínez

On Friday, Nov. 2018, 5:15 p.m.
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Where is the lost line?

No one can doubt the considerable importance given today to the personal image, which leads to devote a good part of our time and even money to the improvement of the physical appearance. However, we live in a society that today no longer intends to appear as a reality; some acceptance campaigns have therefore influenced young people; It does not matter if you have a sculptural figure to be happy, the important thing is to accept yourself as you are. But what do nutritionists think? Since then, this acceptance can become an oversight that compromises health.

When does he stop being healthy?

Clinical nutritionist Ana Dávila, accompanied by Carlos Aguirre, explains a little more what can be acceptance, which tends to fall into negligence and the risk factors that accompany it.

Nutritionally, acceptance is a weight range appropriate to your height and age when you do not expose yourself to a health risk. However, by negligence, you have a high weight and compromise your health, neglect they usually target overweight and obesity, but there are other disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and the malnutrition, taking into account the fact that a person suffering from obesity is also considered a person suffering from malnutrition.

Diabetes and obesity are clearly a serious factor, because following a trend, you can put aside your good health and complicate your well-being. Fashion does not indicate that you could have serious consequences in the future. Nowadays, the acceptance of large sizes is very fashionable, according to the nutritionist Dávila, it is a bit wrong and affects the people who participate. In a certain way, they compromise their health when they declare to accept with a large size, their state of health is seriously compromised and certain pathologies related to overweight and obesity begin to occur. generate.

Acceptance involves all the disorders of the food chain because you can agree to be very thin by neglecting the aforementioned factors such as anorexia and bulimia, or simply obesity, account the pathologies leading to diabetes, hypertension and others.

The ideal measure

When we talk about BMI, we refer to the body mass index, a number or figure calculated based on the weight and size of the person. It's also a fairly reliable indicator of overweight for most people. The BMI does not directly measure body fat, but research has shown that it correlates with direct measures of body fat, such as weighing under water and l '. X-ray absorptiometry.

BMI can be considered as an alternative for the direct measurement of body fat. In addition, it is an economical and easy to implement method for detecting weight categories that can lead to health problems.

A healthy body at the medical level is one with the right BMI levels, a good BMI of 20 to 24.9, and when you have a BMI of 25 to 29.9, you are overweight, and when it exceeds 30, obesity and therefore the types of obesity are derived.

A healthy body is a body managed in the appropriate BMI ranges, depending on your age and size.

The diet influences in 70% of cases, so that your life is healthy and physical activity includes the remaining 30%, these factors influence in a marked way in our body; thanks to a good diet, you avoid the pathologies mentioned above, it is the main factor of good health.

When marketing acts on the vision of a thin or obese person who accepts your body, you can convey an image that meets different needs, the most important being the approval.

Large acceptance campaigns greatly influence people by their slogans "to accept them as they are", but they stop motivating people with overweight and obesity. obesity to take charge and stay in shape.

"They just say they accept, which helps in part to have a good self-esteem, but leaves out all the nutritional and health values," says the specialist.

Eating healthy foods with good nutrient intakes can lead to a healthy lifestyle and thus prevent pathologies such as heart attacks, diabetes and hypertension, which can not be resolved in the future by a simple acceptance.

Our body is a marvel. If we want to have a longer life, we need to combine our health with nutrition so we can maintain a healthy lifestyle and enjoy many things without having a serious problem in our body.

The bottom

To enter the emotional part, you must discover the reason why there is obesity in the patient. In many cases, the origin can be detected since childhood, with emotional problems that have led the patient to find refuge in food.

In order to provide psychological and emotional help after identifying the source of the problem, a clinical analysis should be performed to suggest the appropriate treatment.

"To help the patient improve his health, we nutritionists have to deal with the placebo effect a lot, for example, when we are overweight, we manage a lot of what we see in the foods we offer, the amount of calories can be very minimal, we work with colors and smells so that the view of the patient is different, attractive and can generate a change, "says nutritionist Dávila.

Nutritionists Ana Dávila and Carlos Aguirre recommend that patients who follow this acceptance process focus more on themselves, their health, their bodies, listening through the different signals that this conveys because the body in one way or another is always implicit. "It transmits what it needs through different factors, it is good that you accept it as long as it is healthy (…) form for you, works for you", emphasize the specialists.


HEALTH nutrition

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