Bimbo leaves Acapulco for violence


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Chilpancingo.- The Bimbo company suspended its sale in the colonies of Zapata, Renacimiento, The Postal, Unidos por Guerrero and part of the suburb of Acapulco because of the attacks and threats of organized crime .

The Secretary of Economic Development and Development of Guerrero, Álvaro Burgos Barrera informed that following constant assaults, the company decided to suspend distribution in these settlements, Burgos Barrera explained that a company representative informed him that the distribution of the product had been suspended since Wednesday. The measure was applied in eight routes in the neighborhoods Zapata and Renacimiento, The Postal, United by Guerrero .

"The suspension of the sale of this product was not throughout the city of Acapulco," They told us that in this area where the product is sold, it is very unsafe, but we have already talked to a city manager, "he said, from Mexico for the Guerrero government to take action and everything is standardized," said the official.

Burgos Barrera also reported that next week a government commission from Guerrero will meet businessmen to analyze

Over the past few days, at least two distribution trucks have were burned by armed men in various colonies of the port

. Thursday, in the postal colony, a truck was burned. the company Bimbo while a day earlier in the colony United for Guerrero tried to burn another truck

According to the authorities, the workers reported that unknown men in these colonies were giving them papers with phone numbers. the leaders will communicate and agree on the payment of the fees.

For a decade, Acapulco became the most violent city in Guerrero . This violence has resulted in the closure of hundreds of businesses due to quota collection and weak sales.

This is not the first time. In June, the company Pepsi closed its operations in the Tierra Caliente region of Guerrero for attempted extortion, collection of land and insecurity

]. Stealthy form, according to the workers of the company, since a few days began to pick up the refrigerators in the outlets that they had in the nine municipalities of the Tierra Caliente region.

This closure caused the liquidation of about 70

The Pepsi factory was present in the Tierra Caliente for over 30 years and was located in the municipality of Pungarabato (Ciudad Altamirano), where was also Coca-Cola.

This last refreshment it closed its operations in March and, after the workers of Pepsi that caused the increase of its sales, but at the same time the attempts of extortion and floor covering have increased.

Coca-Cola shut down its plant after two attacks in just one week.

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