Rome, Italy
The first baby in the world born from a twins uterine transplant was born today in the hospital of Santa Orsola in Bologna (Northern Italy), confirmed to Efe sources of this medical center
Delivery is by caesarean section and the mother and the child are "in perfect health", according to a statement by Eugin, a group of Spanish and International Assisted Reproduction Reference Centers of which he is a member Stockhol Clinic IVF whose director is the Swedish gynecologist Mats Brännström, who led the international medical team that intervened in this case.
The operation had as protagonists twin sisters of Serbian origin in Italy and one of them, the recipient, was born without a uterus because of a congenital malformation.
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Transplantation and performed in March 2017 at Hospital of the Children's University of Belgrade after the recipient underwent successful in vitro fertilization treatment and during pregnancy was assisted by the doctor Luca Gianaroli in Bologna
This is a Pioneering transplantation also in terms of treatment because it is the first performed without immunosuppressive drug due to the perfect genetic compatibility between donor and recipient, according to the note.
Brännström is the author of the first uterine transplant to be performed in the world, which was held in Sweden in 2014, and since then "has successfully completed another eight."
40 uterine transplant attempts have been made so far, which has led to eleven live births.
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