Bloomberg suggests to López Obrador not to make Lula's mistakes


According to an article published in Bloomberg, the virtual winner of the presidential election should not make the same mistakes as the former president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva .

As analyzed by chronicler Mac Margolis, Andrés Manuel López Obrador adapted his message to speak to different groups.

"On Sunday, sure of his overwhelming victory, Lopez Obrador, known as AMLO, went to Mexico City's historic Zocalo to greet his disciples as a redeemer, and then in another speech to politicians and business leaders, he has moderated, promised to protect fiscal discipline, respect the autonomy of the central bank and respect agreements with domestic and foreign companies ", wrote the author.

Explain that there are two types of politicians: carnivores, who may seem like dictators and vegetarian leftists; but he recommends that the next president be "omnivorous" and maintain the development of Mexico, but help to change the country's inequality.

"López Obrador would do well to study the Brazilian example, even for its shortcomings.After surprising everyone in turn towards moderation in 2003, Lula lost contact. his political capital to implement vital structural reforms, he and his useless successor, Dilma Rousseff, squandered the commodities boom, leading Brazil into the worst recession in its history and becoming the largest oil company in the region. Petrobras, in a crowd of partisan friends Lula is now in prison, the most important capture in the biggest scandal of political corruption on the continent, "he explains.

Margolis adds that López Obrador can not be considered a dictator or a populist politician, because when he directed the Mexico City he did it as "a pragmatist, not a populist, and his likely options for the cabinet are technocrats, not ideologues. "

He adds that "there is much to repair in Mexico, but also much to preserve." In an area where growth has been erratic, the Mexican economy has been expanding steadily, albeit moderately for years Unemployment (below 3.3%) is at least 12 years, while trade is robust. "

He concludes by saying that "the historic elections have given Mexico a charismatic leader with a crushing mandate to fight corruption and injustice.Do all this and maintain the second largest economy of America Latin on the right track would be difficult for any new president.This is why Mexico now needs an omnivore. "

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