BMV down, continue to evaluate the global economic outlook


The Mexican Stock Exchange lost in its first operations, in line with peers of Wall Street and under the pressure of retailers, a large capitalization cement company and later an insurer. The markets reacted when the Banco de México (Banxico) did not rule out making monetary policy moves before the July 1 election results.

In the first minutes of the trading session, the benchmark stock index S & P / BMV CPI fell 0.21%, to 46,776.88 units, after losing the Equivalent of 97.55 points.

The largest advance was made by a trader 3.83%, while the most pronounced decline concerns an insurance company that provides services to Afore, which lost 3.00% .

World markets show mixed movements, after seeing figures in Asia and Eruopa and data on the deceleration of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the United States. ", according to an analysis of Grupo Financiero Monex

This morning, an official of Banxico c He said that monetary policy should continue under a regime of prudence and be ready to" react according to the circumstances "Around the July 1 presidential election and the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Given that the Mexican inflation risk balance tends to increase in the current context, additional adjustments to the benchmark interest rate should not be excluded, "Javier Guzmán Calafell said in an article in London

. As soon as the electoral process ends on July 1, it will be necessary to know the economic policy actions that the new government will take, especially in public finances.

In the local stock market operated with a volume of 1.7 million securities for an economic amount of 134.4 million pesos. 48 stations participated, of which 13 won, 32 lost and three remained unchanged

With information from Reuters, EFE and Notimex


You can also read: Mexican peso increases by more than 1%, to 19.96 per dollar

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