Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly add a new antidiabetic to control DM2


In a single tablet, they combine the mechanisms of action of two of the drugs with the highest medical prescription in their class, providing better control of the disease

Christian Valera Rebolledo

In Mexico, 75% of patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (DM2) have not managed to control the disease with the currently available therapies, which is generating serious complications that are the first reason for outpatient and long-term care. hospitalization.

On the occasion of its 7th anniversary, the Boehringer Ingelheim-Eli Lilly Alliance announced that the Commission for Protection against Health Risks (COFEPRIS), has authorized the marketing of a new Oral antidiabetic medication that, in a single tablet, combines the mechanisms of action of two of the drugs of a larger medical prescription in its class providing better control of the disease.

According to Lic. Miguel Salazar Hernández, President and CEO of Boehringer Ingelheim in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, type 2 diabetes and its relationship with cardiovascular disease, is now the leading cause of death in Mexico; He also noted that his care is complex due to his nature, late diagnosis, inadequate adherence to treatment and / or the increasing number of people detected. For this reason, a health emergency has been declared in the country since November 2016.

He said that after 7 years of alliance between Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly, both companies are satisfied with the contribution and the dynamic development of new molecules, flexible and combinable, to treat DM2 from different fronts. The manager indicated that the Alliance has, on average, one drug per year and that its portfolio currently consists of five specialty products.

For his part, Q.F.B. Carlos Baños Urquijo, vice president for Latin America's Eli Lilly, said that because of the collaboration and their commitment to providing patients with safe and effective therapies that meet their needs for health, the alliance invests approximately 20% of its annual sales. in research and development, which has allowed him to have the only approved oral antidiabetic drug in the world which, in addition to improving glucose levels, also decreases cardiovascular mortality in patients with DM2.

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He noted that the trajectory and experience of 95 years of research & development Eli Lilly in the field of diabetes, after the development of the world's first insulin product, as well as the innovative vocation of Boehringer Ingelheim have not only allowed the introduction of unique or first-order therapies but they have also strengthened people-centered care strategies by constantly supporting civilian organizations; continuing education for general practitioners, specialists and nurses for rapid diagnosis and correct treatment; collaborative work with public institutions and patient education work.

The New Therapy of the Alliance

For his part Dr. Sergio Zúñiga Guajardo, Professor of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, specialist in endocrinology, commented that sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (iSGLT2) inhibitors and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4) inhibitors are oral medications indicated for control, as well as a plan of action. diet and exercise, blood sugar levels in adults with DM2. Now, the Alliance is introducing a new oral antidiabetic drug that combines the therapeutic properties of both and promotes adherence to treatment, thereby reducing the risk of complications and associated mortality.

He explained that this new drug was designed to improve glycemic control when the use of metformin and / or sulfonylurea was not sufficient; or, when the patient, despite treatment with other therapies, continues to have persistent hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar levels over time). In addition to the loss of productivity and quality, persistent hyperglycemia reduces the life expectancy of patients with DM2 between 5 and 10 years, so the goal of treatment is adequate control of the disease

. Christian Valencia Pineda, medical director of Boehringer Ingelheim in Mexico, said that the availability of this new combination therapy on the market, after its recent approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Medicines Agency ( EMA) and COFEPRIS, is a reflection of the commitment of Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly to continue to bring value through innovation.

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He reiterated that both labs seek to contribute to the continuing education of professionals of health involved in patient care and sampling This is the current Congress of Cardiometabolic Scientific Exchange (ICC) conducted by Boehringer Ingelheim with the help of over 500 national and international specialists. International. Its main function is to share knowledge on prevention, diagnosis and finding solutions for the comprehensive treatment of cardiometabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

Finally, on the occasion of the 7th Anniversary of this Alliance In the field of diabetes, experts from both companies emphasized that they will continue to work in coordination with key players to change the paradigm of care in Mexico. To do so, they promote initiatives that promote early and comprehensive disease management, as well as access to innovative treatments whose reduction of economic and social burden has a favorable impact on the cost-benefits.

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