Boeing Announces the Development of a Supersonic Aircraft


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Remember the right Concorde? As if to forget … This technological marvel, definitely ahead of its time, managed to navigate the Atlantic in record time. However, the project has come to an end for reasons you already know, leaving a bitter taste in the mouth to those who thought that supersonic flights could have a future. And it is that doing a London-New York without almost time to serve a meal was extremely tempting for the greater number of travelers.

The European consortium Airbus is immediately beyond the possibility of relaunching this type of flights; Not so if Boeing, who has just introduced in Atlanta an airplane prototype that would revive supersonic flights and could navigate the skies in a relatively short period. The aerospace giant has presented a rendering that shows a sharp triangular design plan (in fact, similar to the Concorde) that has a pair of particular fins in the tail.

It's possible that the design reminds us of the European plane, but where really makes the difference Boeing's project is in gear: as reported by CNBC, the plane will be able to reach a speed match 5 (about 6,200 km / h); for reference, it would operate at a speed seven times higher than that obtained by the A330, for example

What would the implications of this aircraft format be for commercial flights? It's there that the difference is real: a Los Angeles-Tokyo would be done in just three hours, and flying from New York to London would take only two hours of flight, with almost no time to settle in the seat. To give you an idea, the flights mentioned above are respectively 11 and 7 o'clock today.

Boeing insists that the rendered shows a prototype and that we are still far from shipping. some of these wonders: the giant argues that the project could be a reality in twenty or thirty years, and has its justification. Such rapid flights require a great effort to develop lightweight materials that are strong enough to withstand supersonic flight.

As we have already said, Airbus is dismissed in this race, but not China, through a research project, is already developing its own supersonic aircraft, although in this case for military purposes. Japan has already set up its plans and invested a million …

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