Boeing obtains a $ 3.9 billion contract for the construction of a new US Presidential aircraft


The manufacture and equipment of two Boeing 747-8s will be completed in December 2024.

The aircraft manufacturer Boeing obtained on Tuesday a $ 3.9 billion contract to continue development, modification and testing two devices. The new presidential plane Air Force One, reports Bloomberg, citing two sources close to the operation.

The Boeing 747-8 aircraft would be delivered in December 2024. This would be the last full year of Trump's presidency case, he won a second term. The congressional committees were informed of the decision on Tuesday.

Much of the cost of the presidential plane comes from costly and complex changes. It is reported that the aircraft would be equipped with two auxiliary power units, a complex communication system, workspaces and rest areas for the presidential family, elevators to ease boarding, aircraft capabilities. 39, self-defense and other features. The Air Force

The announcement of the contract was made the same day that Trump said in an interview with CBS that the new aircraft would be painted in "red, white and blue."

In December 2016, Donald Trump announced on his Twitter account the cancellation of the construction of a presidential plane commissioned by Barack Obama to the Boeing Company. "The costs are out of control, more than $ 4,000 million, order canceled!", Trump then wrote.

Subsequently, in February 2017, as the country's president, Trump entered into an informal agreement with Boeing for a fixed-price contract.

From the White House, they then said that the government would allow taxpayers to save $ 1.4 billion in the purchase and equipment of two aircraft presidential. However, public estimates suggest that savings would be well below a few hundred million dollars, according to Bloomberg.

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