Boeing plans to build a plane that will travel from London to New York in 2 hours


On the occasion of the aeronautical conference of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), which was held in Atlanta this week, it was the first day of the year. Boeing aircraft manufacturer has unveiled a draft of a "hypersonic vehicle for passenger transport". It would cross the Atlantic Ocean in just two hours

This is an aircraft that, according to the builder, will be faster than supersonic because supersonic speeds exceed Mach 5, while the supersonic speeds exceed Mach 1 (speed of sound). In this sense, the hypersonic aircraft Boeing would fly to Mach 5, which is just below 6,276.4 km / h, and at an altitude of 28,956 meters.

According to the manufacturer, higher speeds will give airlines the ability to operate. round trips across the oceans. Both visually and technologically, this aircraft could be used for commercial and military purposes, and follows the idea of ​​a hypersonic surveillance and reconnaissance concept that Boeing revealed in January, according to press reports. local.

On the Occasion of the presentation of the design, Kevin Bowcutt, Boeing technician and chief scientist of the team that will build the aircraft, said that it is fast, but could have been much faster, however, there would have required a more advanced technical deployment. He also assured that the plane would fly across the ocean and return the same day, which is what most people would like.

In addition, Bowcutt believes that Boeing's current proposal is much more cost-effective, as it uses a simple adaptation of the turbojet and turbojet engine, instead of the less experienced scramjet engines required for planes above Mach 5. [19659002] In the case of this hypersonic aircraft, the two engines would share the same air inlets, and the jet engines would run up to Mach 2 or 3 before the inlets sealed the jet engine and would divert air to ramjets, which can withstand faster airflows.

announced the final dimensions, the aircraft will be larger than a commercial aircraft, and could carry up to 100 passengers. The feeling of G force during takeoff would last 12 minutes as the aircraft speeds up, however, Boeing says the experience will be serene.

Finally, Boeing revealed that an aircraft with these features, including autonomous steering, could be ready in 20 or 30 years, however, a prototype could be ready in 5 or 10 years. Its success depends on many factors, including proof of reasonable costs, as well as the safety and efficiency that it can offer, since only in this way, airlines and the military will be interested in # 39; use.

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