Bolivia's external investment is still focused on commodities


52.3% of foreign direct investment (FDI) received by Bolivia in 2017 went to raw materials, a trend that has not been reversed in the country in recent years and shows that economic development is In its report entitled "Foreign direct investment in Latin America and the Caribbean 2018", ECLAC reports that the Plurinational State received last year 725 million dollars in FDI, or 116% more than in 2002. 2016, but still less than those recorded in 2012 and 2013, which amounted to 1,060 million in the first case and 1,750 million in the second.

"Growth is mainly due to increased reinvestment of profits Natural resources are attracting foreign capital and the hydrocarbon and mining sector has received half of the gross flows (excluding disinvestment), respectively 31.6% and 20.7%. "Quotes the document from the United Nations institution

The figures show that" we continue in the extraction of natural resources without achieve the long-awaited industrialization, not only in hydrocarbons, but in all the products that are given in the country, which makes our economy very dependent on the export of natural gas and minerals, "said Jorge Akamine, president of the College of Economists of Santa Cruz.

The report of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Cepal) places Bolivia as the sixth country in South America to receive FDI, but with $ 725 million, it is very distant from the fifth country, Chile, which registered $ 6.419 million, and the first, Brazil, received $ 70.685 million

"Government does not provide legal and institutional conditions for foreign direct investment.We also do not have big projects because a lot of these investments come from the mining and hydrocarbon sectors, "said Gonzalo Chavez, director of the School of Production and of Competitiveness

Find complete information in the print edition of The Reason . (23/07/2018)

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