Bosch predicts a new business year


CITY OF MEXICO.- During the next sexennium, there will be opportunities for new business, said José Oriol Bosch, director of the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV).

The financing needs will be there; investor resources will also be there. They will say: hey, where can I invest? ", Said the executive in an interview before the elections.

In this context, Bosch explained that the stock market will continue to provide facilities to businesses to obtain resources to finance their projects. expansion and for investors to channel funds to the companies that they consider most attractive.

The Exchange will continue to provide funding to those who need it and put the products, we already have a lot, everything we wanted.In the companies, we will continue to give all the information so that it can continue to work, "he said.

He recalled that there are Numerous business opportunities, as evidenced by the many decisions made in recent weeks in the market.Go to the market to find resources to finance their projects.One of them was Fibra Educa. , the first real estate investment trust focused on real estate in the education sector.

For Bosch, it is still difficult to define which sectors could be the most favored, including the North American Free Trade Agreement. North, to which must be added the exchange rate which, in times of depreciation, favored the tourism and export sectors.

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