Brazil: a young medical student dies as a result of an ant bite | World | Latin America


A 24-year-old medical student, deceased as a result of an ant bite, was buried today at Pilao Arcado, a municipality in the state of Bahia, north-east of Brazil.

The insect stung the student, identified as Michelle Giannini, at her home in Salvador, capital of Bahia, triggered an allergic reaction in the young woman who evolved into a strong syncope and a cardiorespiratory arrest that finally caused her brain death .

The student arrived at Bay Hospital in "an extremely serious condition", in a deep, reflex-free coma in the chest, and although the doctors tried for 40 minutes to resuscitate her, they could not prevent his death, according to hospital sources.

After declaring Giannini's brain death, his family, appalled by the loss, consented to the donation of the girl's organs.

"It is a difficult situation to believe, because of the way everything has happened, his death has generated a great commotion in the city, the situation is terrible, the family is too destroyed", has lamented Giannini's cousin, Luis Enrique.

Source: EFE

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