Brazil at the gates of fascism


Brazilian friends of different political persuasions tell me that the corruption coming from Labor Party governments in Brazil goes far beyond Lula prison. The ex-popular president is a scapegoat. He flew, stole very little, but allowed his people to plunder cash throughout the subcontinent, insofar as he himself was a victim of severe, though malleable, anti-corruption laws, which the PT had been too late to apply. It was useless to raise thousands and thousands of Brazilians within the middle class because the populist bubble – as it always happens – has deflated. In addition, the PT government, like many others in Latin America, was unable to control the crime and the crime they ravaged Brazil. A Lula mea culpa has never happened.

The Brazilians will vote Sunday for a worse, but much worse, cure for the disease, by choosing former captain Jair Bolsonaro, whose fascism is the most cheeky that Latin American history has ever known. Neither Pinochet nor Videla, responsible for the coup d'etat, dared to go beyond the presentation of a national anti-communist security doctrine, sufficient to duplicate all their grievances.

The terminal democracy in which we live authorizes wild discursive unpublished since the 1930s. And it is not the same thing, as explained in detail Jesus Silva Herzog, a fascist who says that one Right-wing populist, if Trump has shown anything, wants that once the elections are won, the strident populist will not dissolve. Victory blinded and ignited; his thing is to govern permanent mobilization. A fascist will be even more ferocious than a legitimate populist – like Hitler in his day – by the voters. Hope for once, the opposite will happen.

With unprecedented impoliteness, Bolsonaro insults, one day and the other equally, women and their equal rights, sexual minorities whose activism excites character morality and the independent judiciary while his people threaten the wall with his terrified and weakened adversaries. If the darkest forecasts are realized, we will witness, in Brazil, the dismantling of liberal democracy with each of its institutions.

There will be something in Bolsonaro's victory, as in his moment in Trump, of anthropological vengeance. In the United States, millions of voters – who, however, lost in the popular vote against Hillary Clinton – took revenge against a woman for the harm suffered by seeing an African-American president, overthrowing the In the same way, the three decades of government in the PT, with a labor politician and an old guerrilla as successive presidents, were too long for some political elites, while the finances prosperous. That's why it's not a question of the rich and the poor. The militarization of society proposed by Bolsonaro enjoys the support of millions of other citizens attacked by insecurity, corruption and poverty. His faculty of reasoning was expropriated by the evil histrion. Mass fascism, in its old way, is what we will probably see in Brazil.

The corruption of the government is solved only by two things: democracy and more democracy, respectable and strict institutions, equally hated, but in different proportions, by populists and fascists. Sad day, unless a miracle, it will be Sunday for democracy and liberalism: the victory of Bolsonaro will be followed by the appearance, as mushrooms, of imitators and replicants. They will say, "Yes, yes, you can."

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