Brazil cancels appointment of ambassadors with Montes and Gazmuri


Last Tuesday, Brazil's diplomatic representation in Chile gave them confirmation: this Friday, the President of the Senate, Carlos Montes, as well as former ministers Sergio Bitar and Adriana Delpiano, in addition to the former ambassador in this country Jaime Gazmuri and former Senator Carlos Ominami would be received by Ambassador Carlos Sérgio Sobral.

Brazilian officials even entrusted Chilean leaders with parking numbers to facilitate their arrival at the Apoquindo Avenue

embassy. However, the appointment, in which Chilean leaders would deliver to the ambassador a letter asking for the justice of their country to allow the presidential registration of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva – who is in jail is serving a 12-year sentence and one month for passive bribery and money laundering – was suddenly canceled by the Government of Brazil.

"I was surprised (Thursday) in the morning by a counselor call the Minister of the Embassy of Brazil, announcing that the Embassy was suspending the interview that he had given us Tuesday and whose details we have refined.Only express my surprise.I consider that it is an unfriendly gesture towards a large group of Chilean personalities that we only wanted to express an opinion to which we legitimately have right on the political crisis that is going through such a large country, "Gazmuri told La Tercera .

Although the reasons were not formalized, it was learned that the diplomatic mission argued that he already knew the letter, so the meeting was not necessary.

Part of the delegation that would be received by the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies' ambassador, Rodrigo Maia, who is in Chile and held a series of official meetings, including a meeting with the head of the House, Maya Fernandez (PS), who also signed the letter in favor of Lula

"I wonder if this (the cancellation of the appointment) has to do with the presence of Rodrigo Maia, president of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil (…) A government that has clear ideas is not afraid to dialogue .. I find it very regrettable that an embassy is acting in this way, totally unfit for it. embassy of a democratic country, "Ominami said.

Shortly before, and consulted by the Chilean missive, Maia had said in an interview with Emol that "it's a Brazilian problem that only concerns Brazilians."

The announcement of this week of Montes' visit to the Brazilian Embassy in support of the actions in favor of Lula had raised issues since the ruling party. On Wednesday, the government spokeswoman, Cecilia Perez, described as "imprudent" the fact that state authorities "do any kind of solidarity with people who are now sentenced in a neighboring country. ".

Finally, the government questioned the letter in favor of Lula signed by more than 40 Chilean personalities, including former President Michelle Bachelet.

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