Brazil is in a hurry, says Luis Fernando Tena



As a technician, Luis Fernando Tena is accustomed to feats. He won the first title in the history of Morelia, was in the last championship Cruz Azul, 20 years ago, and is the coach who won the gold medal, in the legendary Wembley, against Brazil. For this reason, he hopes that the set of Juan Carlos Osorio will surprise tomorrow.

Mexico beat Brazil 2-1 in the 2012 Olympic Games final.

How many calls have you received to ask you how Mexico can beat Brazil?

Not many, four or five.

From Brazil, some call?

Yes, but only after winning the Olympic Games, right now.

Did the day they beat Brazil change anything in Mexican football? 19659003] We have more security, we believe in ourselves. I think that since the Copa America in 1993, which was directed by Dr. Miguel Mejía Barón, he showed a great personality to play in any court. The & # 39; 86 played very well but played at home. I remember that from 1993, in this Copa America in Ecuador, where we were in second place, Mexico showed personality. Many say that it was Menotti, I think it was Dr. Mejía Barón and a group of players with a lot of personality, who then made a big World Cup in 1994. From there, there was a lot of people. team played well

Did this success have an impact on the country?

This is a very good example for children and young people to see their team succeed, because we, over the years, have grown up looking at the "green mice" today. Now we see another reality, today the children have other examples and realize that Mexicans can also win.

The 2012 team is the current reference before the match against Brazil. In what reference did you play in this final of the Olympics?

In us, because it was a team with a high self-esteem, that we had enjoyed great success since the 2011 Panamerican Games in Guadalajara, the pre-Olympic we won. Kansas City, we won the Toulon Tournament, which Mexico has played more than 30 times and we won it only once. Recently, we were about to win it again. The team came very strong for the Olympics. They gave the results

In Russia in 2018 there are seven of those who won gold in London in 2012.

Seven and two were injured, Diego Reyes and Néstor Araujo; That's a good number. Now these players are 27 or 28, they are at a very good age for a World Cup.

In his coaching role, with what training would he play in Brazil?

The important thing is not to let them play. You must press them all over the field, that the clean ball does not reach Neymar, near our region, because there we will suffer. You must bite from above

Do you worry about Neymar?

I'm worried everyone, they have a loophole in every position. The man for the man is better. We have to catch up with an excellent game.

Where are you going to watch the match against Brazil?

At home. They always invite me to many places, but I prefer to be very focused by looking at the technique and movements that are in the game.

Are you going to vote?

Yes, of course.

By whom? 19659003] The vote is free and secret, I will continue before the Fepade for asking (laughs).



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