Breast cancer, silent enemy of Mexicans [Nacional] – 19/10/2018


Mexico.- In Mexico, breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women over the age of 25 and, according to the National Cancer Institute, about 60% of them are detected at an advanced stage, this which significantly reduces the chances of recovery, said the firm. PNB insurance.

According to the company's report, breast cancer worldwide is the most common among women, with approximately 1.67 million new cases each year, accounting for 16% of all cancers.

For its part, the World Health Organization (WHO), breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in Latin America and could increase by 106% by 2030 if no significant change occurs. 39 is implemented.

For this reason, WHO commemorates October 19, World Breast Cancer Day, to raise awareness among the world's population of the importance of early detection to improve prognosis and survival.

In Mexico, 10 women die every day from breast cancer, a death rate that goes against the global trend of reducing


Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among Mexicans. "Of the total number of women diagnosed with breast cancer in Mexico, 11 to 15% of cases are women aged 40 or younger," said Cynthia Villarreal, director of the Center for Medical Oncology. from Centro de Cáncer de Mama of TecSalud.

In 2006, it is the leading cause of death among women in the country, far exceeding the mortality related to cervical cancer.


Carlos Dominguez, general medical director of the Breast Cancer Foundation, pointed out that Westernized foods made from ultra-processed, fast-food and vegetable-free diets have had an influence on alcohol consumption and smoking.

He pointed out that it was the leading cause of death from malignant tumors in women over 25 years old and the leading cause of cancer deaths among women.

He also pointed out that one of the main problems that prevent the reduction of numbers is the lack of timely diagnosis. "Unfortunately, we still have many deaths from this disease and over the last 15 years, because of these factors, the mortality rate has not been reduced," he explained.

"In European countries, it has been shown that if you cover 70% of the population, you can reduce breast cancer mortality by 30% and that's something we have not been in. able to do in Latin America, "said the specialist.

In Mexico, an average of 18 women die every day from breast cancer, 18.7% more than in 2012, according to data from the Ministry of Health.


Breast reconstruction should not be an option but a crucial part of breast cancer treatment. However, only 30% of survivors have access.

The reasons why survivors should be rebuilt is not only aesthetic, it is also necessary to restore their physical health.

"The mammary gland is not only an aesthetic issue, but it has a function of balance and symmetry in the chest, and beyond that, it is fundamental for social reintegration and with the couple," explains Anabel Villanueva, head of the team. of plastic surgery. Aesthetic and reconstructive of the General Hospital of Mexico.

In an ideal scenario, he mentioned that from the moment a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, the oncologist and the plastic surgeon, esthetic and reconstructor should meet. Unfortunately, the usual scenario is that many women spend up to 10 or 15 years undergoing mastectomy without being evaluated by a plastic surgeon for reconstruction, the scientist lamented.

According to the specialist, all women are candidates for a reconstruction method and at any age. The expert pointed out that there were different methods, but the most common were two: those that use patients' own tissue and that are obtained from the abdomen, back, thigh or of the gluteal and those that use alloplastic, ie implants or extensors. You can combine both. (With information about Reforma, Notimex and agencies)

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