
  • Virtuous circle for mother and baby.
  • By Salvador Y. Maldonado Díaz

Guadalajara, Jalisco. November 12, 2018 There is a favorable scenario for breastfeeding to become part of everyday life again, which has been diluted in postmodern society by a number of factors, such as the fact that more and more women are engaged in activities. productive. Fortunately, there is a tendency to resume this healthy habit.

And are more and more women decided by reassessing emotional bonds with their babies by feeding them with their own breasts. In addition, voluntary donations of breast milk are also increased to benefit minors who do not have access.

Margarita Mondragón Galindo, Head of the Maternal Health Sector of the Secretary of State for Health of Jalisco, pointed out that besides the health benefits of babies and the well-being of women, breastfeeding presents significant economic benefits.

It should be noted that on average a can of branded milk costs between 200 and 300 pesos and that babies consume at least one per week, this already represents a significant savings of family expenses.

Given the recommendation to feed at least breast milk babies for the first six months or even up to two years, the savings will be significant, says this doctor.

In the case of the breast milk bank of the Adolfo Lopez clinic, this indicates that good results are being obtained with regard to the orientation on breastfeeding and the recruitment of breast milk donors for children who benefit from the lack of access to this system. food from their mothers.

She says that there are challenges to increasing women's training and the increased recruitment of women donors, especially as the bank currently operates at 50% capacity.

He also states that the scenario for larger spaces dedicated to breastfeeding is flattering, while conditions are provided in several institutions. A recent case was the lactarium installed at the University Health Sciences Center.

The data

Breastfeeding has a positive impact on three very important areas for the child's development, namely the psycho-emotional aspect, the nutritional aspect and, finally, the immunological protection that breast milk generates and protects against many diseases, the baby and the woman.

When eaten, it is much better tolerated than infant formula, protects newborns, sick or premature persons from serious problems such as enterocolitis, decreases the risk of infections, improves their chances of recovery and development and their rapid exit from the hospital.

For the proper functioning of the female neuroendocrine system, it is recommended that mothers have two half-hours of work between the eight hours of work to stimulate it, either by withdrawing the milk or by breastfeeding their baby.

It is important to mention that the conditions to be a donor of breast milk are as follows:

Being a lactating mother, with a surplus of milk, in good health.

Do not ingest medications incompatible with breastfeeding.

Without consumption of alcohol, tobacco or drugs.

Have not received transfusions in the last five years or tattoos in the past year.

In the first half of 2018, 245,000 liters of frozen breast milk were stored for later distribution.ópez-Mateos-1718476501710958/



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