Brexit: more than 70 businessmen call for new referendum on Brexit deal | International


More than 70 UK business leaders have signed a letter calling for a second referendum on the conditions of Brexit whereas a "firm and destructive" exit agreement from the European Union (EU) in March will hurt the economy.

The letter, published by The Sunday Times, is signed by Waterstones Executive Director James Daunt; Richard Reed, co-founder of Innocent Drinks; Lord Myners, former president of Marks and Spencer, and Martha Lane Fox, founder of, among others.

"We promised the business world that, if the country voted in favor of the exit, the exchanges would continue, without friction with the EU, nor certainty as to the future relations that we will have to invest in the long term", entrepreneurs show in the letter.

Despite the efforts of the Prime Minister, Theresa May, they add, "Proposals under discussion between the government and the European Commission are very far apart" promises at the first consultation.

The letter concludes that "we are now facing a blind agreement or a hard and destructive Brexit", and "as none of us had participated in the vote in 2016, we believe that the final election must be made public with a popular vote, "they point out.

Business leaders have also warned that "The uncertainty of the past two years has already resulted in a decline in investment."

However, a Downing Street source told the BBC that the Prime Minister was clear about the fact that there would be no new referendum.

"We had a popular vote, it was in June 2016", added the source to the British public channel.

British exit minister Dominic Raab said he hoped negotiations would end before November 21, although there was no consensus on the border of Northern Ireland.

The Prime Minister of Ireland, Leo Varadkar, meanwhile, warned on Saturday that the Brexit process "eroded" the relationship with the UK and "undermined" the 1998 peace deal.

This agreement, signed by the Northern Ireland parties and the London and Dublin governments, as guarantors, put an end to three decades of conflict on the British territory of Northern Ireland, laid the foundation for the current system of autonomous power to be able to share and regulate relations between the parties.

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