Britney Spears suffers from a painful accident in concert


MARYLAND, United States.- Britney Spears gave a concert in Maryland as part of her Piece of Me tour, when she suffered a painful accident .

All was well until she top played her a turn during the song "Do Something": in a choreography movement, the singer moved the costume and one of her breasts was presentation.

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Spears tried to raise the top but did not succeed, so she decided to continue like this until the end of the song.

This is not the first singer an accident like this happens.

In 2004, during the Super Bowl, Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake made a presentation at half-time. In the end, Justin exposed one of Janet's breasts in front of millions of people.

A little peccadillo & # 39; is authorized

After his arrival in Europe with his "Piece of Me Tour", the pop princess, Britney Spears revealed to her faithful some of the peculiarities that are unleashed every time that She is subject to a work rhythm when she is on tour.

At times of the year such as this one which is characterized by continuous physical activity and daily commutes by plane, the star undergoes a strict diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, chicken and finally, light meals.

A diet that is essential not to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but primarily to protect your sensitive stomach.

Eating a Burger But when I'm in work mode, I want and I have to eat fresh and healthy produce, vegetables and grilled chicken are without a doubt the best menu for those days.

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