Brothers suffering from brain cancer | Santé180


They say that life is full of coincidences, and that some of them can be devastating; Kalea and Noah Avery two brothers of six and four years old, facing the same type of brain cancer .

Possible? Yes. "Cancer is a disease in which cells grow in an uncontrollable way.This is because changes occur in the genes of the cells, which are a component of the DNA," explains L & # 39; American Cancer Society .

This means that cancer can be hereditary, and the same type can occur in different members of the family.

Courtesy: Kalea and Noah, two American brothers, face brain cancer (GoFundMe)

According to Duncan Avery, the children's father, the Los Angeles Times newspaper, it all started when Kalea (l & # 39; older brother) started complaining of headaches between his eyebrows and walking with a slight inclination Reason why they went to the doctor, and this in turn made an MRI to the girl, in which they found a tumor of 35 centimeters near the brain.

Two weeks after surgery to remove the tumor, Noah (the younger brother) had the same symptoms as his sister, the first sign, longer naps.

Medulloblastoma, a malignant tumor that develops at the base of the brain (cerebellum), and affects the coordination, balance, and movement of muscles ", Mayo Clinic.

Ce type of cancer is embryonic, that is, it starts in fetal cells and its symptoms can range from …

  1. Headache
  2. Nausea
  3. Vomiting
  4. Fatigue
  5. Dizziness
  6. Double vision
  7. Incoordination

It is essential that before any change in behavior of our children, we go to the doctor because timely care could save his life.

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