Brunette and allies would reach a simple majority


The parties that make up the coalition that has named Andrés Manuel López Obrador as president, would have more than half of the 500 federal deputies in the next legislature, according to a poll released last night by Consulta Mitofsky.

his maximum rank gave 291 seats in the history of Together We Will Do (142 for Morena, 75 for the PT and 74 for the social gathering), while at his minimum level 256 (127 , 64 and 65, respectively).

In as much the preliminary election results program of the INE, with less than 10% of the minutes counted, until 11:38 on Sunday evening, the coalition Together we will do History (Morena, Party Labor and Social Meeting) won 40.81% of the vote and was drafted to obtain a majority in the Chamber of Deputies. The results will evolve as the counting of votes progresses

. The Por México al Frente coalition (PAN, PRD and Movimiento Ciudadano) will be in second place with 32.24% of the vote, followed by the PRI and the PVEM with 20.03% of the votes

With the above data, the PRI loses the leadership it has in the current legislature with 204 federal deputies.

Prior to the arrival of López Obrador at the Hilton Hotel, at night, the President of the Social Meeting Party's Hugo Eric Flores, said in an interview that the preliminary data allowed to point out that the coalition was making history and that the work of several months had borne fruit

"We are in a position to be one of the first country forces and by joining our allies, we show that the work in common is fundamental.There was the possibility that we would get the so-called full car and it looks like the numbers are going there. "

Mitofsky's investigation places the PAN, the PRD and the Movimiento Ciudadano as the political bloc (with up to 156 federal councils and a minimum of 123.

In the case of the PRI and Verde Ecologista, he estimates that they will get a maximum of 73 and at least 56.

The new Congress

For Carola García, University of the Under the preliminary data, the new composition of the Chamber of Deputies, the new composition of the Chamber of Deputies, does not necessarily mean that all members of the coalition Juntos Haremos Historia will have to vote in the same position when they are confronted with problems in that there are discrepancies, like marijuana.

"Controversial issues will come and will not be voted on uniformly Labor Party is more tied to Morena's positions, but the social meeting is not necessarily Yes, it is important to have a majority on issues such as budgets and the possibility of governing with harmony, but we will have to see in detail the initiatives that are presented to know the positions of each, "he said in an interview. Possible approval or not of the National Development Plan which must now have the quality vote of the Chamber of Deputies, after the Planning Law has been modified in this administration (previously the Executive only handed it to the legislators for his knowledge.)

Only an independent would arrive in San Lázaro

According to estimates of Consulta Mitofsky, only one of the 64 citizens without party having reached int the register to compete for a seat in the Federal Chamber of Deputies would reach

According to information from the INE, in the current electoral process, 240 people have declared their intention to be candidates without or to the deputies 187 of which fulfilled the necessary conditions for the authority to authorize the search for the support of citizens; 64 reached the threshold and dispersion of signatures needed to obtain the registration, but after the validation exercise, only 38 were able to be on the ballot.

Nuevo Leon is the entity that has the most candidates for independent deputies. 19659018]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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