BUAP brings together scientists to investigate zika, dengue and chikungunya


Share experiences on viruses transmitted by the mosquito Aedes, diseases that become pandemics, the first international symposium on emerging infectious diseases takes place. Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya: Challenges and Opportunities, organized by the Nuffield Department of Medicine (NDM, for its acronym in English), from the University of Oxford, UK, to collaboration with BUAP.

In the baroque hall of the Carolino building, José Luis Gándara Ramírez, director of the School of Medicine of the establishment, He noted that "this symposium offers the opportunity to carry out a significant exchange of information and experiences allowing us to cope with what often becomes an epidemic, especially in countries like ours".

He added that conditions such as Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya They are linked to poverty and unhealthy living conditions and therefore generally affect the population with scarce resources. Hence the importance of having vaccines that protect them and offer them a better chance of survival.

This meeting aims to identify challenges and promote research opportunities on diseases caused by emerging viruses, in the fields of epidemiology, virology and immunology, as in the development of vaccine production and its impact on public health.

In addition, develop local research capacity and bridge the gap between the results of projects in Latin America and those achieved in other countries, taking advantage of the collaboration of agencies supporting scientific work. at the regional and international levels, said Gándara. Ramírez.

Speaking, Arturo Reyes Sandoval, researcher at the Jenner Institute of Oxford University, In the UK, he said that it was the NDM-Mexico symposium aimed at promoting exchanges between academics and joint projects, as well as strengthening research in the field.

Later, he explained the NDM's activities, including a summer research program for young people, which consists of a two-month stay in this scientific department.

The first international symposium on emerging infectious diseases. Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya: Challenges and Opportunities, will bring together emerging infectious disease experts who have been involved in research projects in collaboration with NDM scientists. The meeting will encourage discussions on challenges and opportunities Research on diseases caused by Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya viruses, covering the fields of epidemiology, basic virology, immunology, public health, vaccine development and production, clinical studies and trials, academic exchanges and funding opportunities.

This academic forum will bring together scientists from various states of the Mexican Republic and other countries, such as Brazil, the United States, Puerto Rico, the United Kingdom and Vietnam, all with extensive experience in infectious diseases. caused by arboviruses (Zika, dengue, Chikungunya). and epidemiology.

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