Business confidence declines in June


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The perception of manufacturing contractors, traders and the construction industry about the economic situation of their sector and country decreased in June for the second consecutive month, according to the Inegi Monthly Survey of Business Opinion. ] In its monthly comparison, the manufacturing confidence indicator rose to 48.7 points in June, down 0.7 points from May, according to a series of seasonality, and two months down

This result is explained by the monthly regression in four of its five components. For example, the opinion on the best time to invest decreased by 2.2 units in June compared to May, and the perception of the current and future situation of your business decreased by 0.4 point.

Among the seven activities in which it is divided the manufacturing sector, three reported a decline compared to the same period of the previous year, based on the original figures.

These activities were textiles, clothing, leather and leather, wood, paper and others with a decrease of 0.3 units; food, beverages and tobacco, also down 0.3 points; and metal products, machinery, equipment and furniture, with a minimum of 0.05 units

On the contrary, activities such as the production of basic nonmetallic and metallic minerals showed an increase of 1.9 unit. Another activity in which confidence remains on the rise is the manufacture of transportation equipment, with an increase of 0.5 point in June.

The indicator of business confidence in construction was 46.2 points in June, reducing by 0.5 point from the previous month and accumulating two months of decline

Monthly behavior of the indicator was derived from the decrease of three of its five components. The most downside was the perception of the country's current economic situation, with a monthly decline of 1.5 units.

Regarding the indicator of business confidence, he observed a drop of 0.4 point in June compared to the month immediately preceding, to get 47 points, and with that adds two consecutive months to the bottom .

Of the five components that make it up, two reported a decrease from the previous month. The perception of traders as to whether this is the right time to invest has fallen by 3.0 points, while the current economic situation of the country was 1.6 units.

Despite these setbacks, the business confidence indicator by sector of activity maintained above the levels recorded a year earlier. Confidence among manufacturing contractors increased 0.3 percentage points on an annual basis, with one-point trade and construction gaining 0.5 percentage points.

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