Business confidence indicators fall in Peru in the sixth month of the year | AmericaEconomy


Lima . Business confidence indicators fell in June, stopping the rally that began in April after Pedro Pablo Kuczynski resigned as president and Martín Vizcarra came to power.

According to the latest Central Reserve Bank (CBR) macroeconomic outlook survey, the three- and twelve-month economic performance expectations indices have fallen by 1.9 and 1 respectively, 6 points.

Employers' expectations of their sector decreased by 2, 6 points (three months) and 2.8 points (12 months). The expectations of the economy and the three-month sector have a strong positive correlation with GDP growth.

The report details that manufacturing and commercial firms reduced their expectations on the performance of the economy to three months;

However, the mining and hydrocarbons sector has increased its expectations on the economy

Indexes of expectations of the situation of companies at three and twelve months have also decreased by 2., 8 and 1.7 points, respectively. Similarly, demand expectations for products fell to three (-1.6 points) and 12 months (-1.5 points).

The only index that remained unchanged was contraction. However, all the indices remained in the optimistic section despite the declines.

* With information from El Comercio

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