Businessmen "take" the palace of the government of Veracruz


A group of contractors of Veracruz demonstrated and announced a permanent seat inside the Government Palace to protest against the administration of PAN ] Miguel Angel Yunes Linares a refused to pay them debts for various services

Liaison in the association "SOS Empresarios" businessmen have reported that the administration owes about five billion pesos for services rendered during the six-year term of Javier Duarte de Ochoa and in the yunista government itself [19659004] Led by the president of the said association, Jesús Castañeda Nevarez businessmen they demonstrated in front of the headquarters of the Executive Power and, in the absence of dialogue, they entered and announced a last sit-in until the president has them draws up and settles the payment of debts.

the protesters were "armed" with cakes and refreshments to cope with the wait, the governor went to the balcony of his main office of the seat of executive power.

In 2016, the then elected governor Yunes Linares, with his son the mayor of Boca del Río and his followers, took the government palace and the house Veracruz (government) to demand payment of the artista administration federal actions owed to municipalities.

As almost two years ago, when the mayors of the PAN and the PRD did the same, the businessmen declared themselves permanently seated, because at least this organization owes them 500 million

"We do not want, we have practiced two years, return and return, are many hours of patience, expectation and tolerance, but we already have the desperation to the limit," said Castañeda Nevárez [19659004] He said that PAN mayors, led by the son of the governor and Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez, mayor of Boca del Rio, candidate for the succession of the governor of Veracruz, said that the businessmen considered this as the only mode of payment

. More than 80 companies, including those who provided hemodialysis services to public hospitals during the current administration.

And despite the fact that With the government of Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares escapes the payment of debt, businessmen still claim an immediate payment.


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