By 2050, the hip fracture will be due to osteoporosis – Health, education and well-being – Notes


Mexico. Sedentary, low calcium diet, smoking, alcohol consumption and some medications could cause osteoporosis, as revealed by specialists at the Juarez Rheumatology Hospital in Mexico City.

Experts indicate that if these factors are not changed, an estimated 2050, one in 12 women and one in 20 men over 50, will suffer from a hip fracture as a result of # 39; osteoporosis.


Experts agree that there are some causes that can not be prevented, such as advanced age – over 85 years -, menopause, short stature, birth with a low amount of calcium and family history with some type of bone breakage by one shot, mainly.

the importance of your attention because this pathology is common, even above cardiovascular disease.

The recommendation is that after 45 years, bone density studies are performed every two years and if one is diagnosed with osteopenia, which is the first step in osteoporosis, the doctor must be consulted every six months to prevent decalcification advance.

Osteoporosis is an asymptomatic disease. It can go unnoticed until you have a broken vertebra, hip or wrist. It usually affects people over 85 years old.

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