By a comment on Facebook, stab your neighbor


June 28, 2018

A misunderstanding in the social network culminates in the death of a girl.

Special / Facebook

Social networks have become a powerful, and dangerous tool. This Thursday, it was reported that a brawl between two neighbors, triggered by a Facebook comment, has resulted in a homicide.

The events occurred in the neighborhood of Siete de Abril, south of Barranquilla, Colombia. The entity's Fiscal has spread that Yildred Patricia Ra Orellano has been accused by Merly Ibez Garca by a Facebook comment of being unfaithful.

Ra Orellano, irritated by what was said on the platform, went to Ibez Garca's house and came in to force him to claim what he calls "slander". The neighbors, hearing the cries, tried to reconcile the discussion, but they did not succeed.

Women started to fight. Ra Orellano took a sharp knife apex to Ibez, who was lying on the ground, pierced with the abdomen.

Because of the attack, the victim was injured by the intestine. She was transferred to La Misericordia clinic, where she died two weeks after the wound infection.

On Tuesday, the abuser was captured and taken to the El Buen Pastor Women's Prison for the orders of the sixth criminal judge. Municipal This measure was taken during the judicial proceedings.

Ra Orellano is charged with the crime of murder under circumstances of punitive aggravation.

With information from Infobae.

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