Cabify implements measures after receiving a fine from Profeco


The Cabify electronic transportation platform announced by a press release that, before the news on the infringement procedures to the Federal Consumer Law, published on July 11 by Profeco, it is safe to say that commits to carry out actions for the benefit of the users

These actions include the improvement of the way of transmitting messages through its various communication channels, informing the users in which cases a service ticket is refundable, Encouraging users to view rates and make any changes in them known and disable users and drivers who do not comply with the platform's protocols.

"With regard to the press release of the Federal Prosecutor's Office (Profeco), where he mentions that he initiated proceedings for the Federal Consumer Law against electronic platforms, Cabify which aims to improve the quality of life of the inhabitant The company has committed last week fines totaling up to 6.48 million pesos for transportation technology companies Uber, Cabify and EasyTaxi. * The three companies have applied to Mexico a contract with "disproportionate, unfair and abusive advantages to the detriment of their consumers", according to the institution responsible for consumer protection.

In the case of Cabify, Profeco stated that "this The supplier unilaterally establishes that the invoiced costs will not be refundable, as well as, in periods of high demand, it will establish a higher variable cost, without clearly defining which criteria will be used for this consideration. "

In its terms and conditions, Cabify states that" the fees charged will not be refundable. The rates, their updates and conditions of use will be available at any time in the Application and / or the Site and are subject to any modifications "and adds that" the user agrees that in periods of high demand, an additional variable cost will be charged. "

The Federal Law on Consumer Protection stipulates in Article 7a that" the supplier must declare in a visible and visible manner the total amount payable for the goods, products or services offered to the consumer and that the Amount must include taxes, commissions, interest, insurance and any other costs, fees, expenses or additional expenses to be covered under the acquisition or the respective contract, whether in cash or credit. "

five years in the country, Cabify registered only two cases of complaints to the Federal Agency for Consumer Protection.

According to information published by El Economista in In September 2017, up to the August 15 of the same year, Profeco had registered 52 complaints against Uber while there was no registration on behalf of Cabify.

On Uber, Profeco said that "Uber violates the provisions of the law. law of the case, do not indicate an address, telephone and other means of contact in the country for clarifications or claims for the application of fees for additional services without the express consent of the consumer (rate of repair, cleaning or charges for forgotten items) "

The Attorney General's Office also pointed out the fact that in any dispute between a user and Uber, the parties must" submit to arbitration or mediation , established in the legislation of Amsterdam, the Netherlands and English ". Uber responded to what was circulated by Profeco through a statement in which he stated that, in accordance with the resolution of the Attorney General's Office, they made the adjustments in their advertising.

Uber explained that the imposition of fines the business model of the company and which will assess take corresponding action, Cabify has expressed its commitment to improve consumer protection through to technology and promote a dialogue to create regulations "that help improve people's quality of life."

"The company is demonstrating its commitment, as a transportation network company, to improve consumer protection practices through technology." The goal of Cabify is therefore to encourage a an open and plural dialogue that helps transform the mobility of cities, by working hand in hand with governments, civil society organizations and representatives of society, to create inclusive and equitable regulations to improve people's quality of life ", said the company

Actions taken by Cabify

  1. It will improve the way of transmitting messages through its various communication channels, being even more transparent with the service offered by intermediation and indicating all that it involved.
  2. Inform users of situations in which a service ticket is refundable and explain how they can claim the refund.
  3. Encourage users to check rates that have always been available to the user. In addition, reiterates its commitment to users to inform them of any changes in them.
  4. It will continue to disable users and / or drivers who do not abide by the platform protocols, to help improve the experience during the trip

rodrigo.riquelme@eleconomista .mx

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