Call for an end to the separation of families in the United States


NEW YORK – Thousands of people today in New York have called for the end of the "zero tolerance" policy of the administration of President Donald Trump which separates migrant parents of their children arriving at the US Southwest border with Mexico

According to, New Yorkers – activists, religious, politicians and unions – have joined their voices to thousands of Others across the country, the national protest day, in which they also raised their voices to demand the reunification of more than 2,000 children with their parents, detained in immigration centers and accused of being arrested. to enter this country illegally.

You may also be interested in: Mexico requires the separation of migrant families

The claims of "we are in the fight" and "yes, you can" have been heard in Spanish on the popular Foley Square in Manhattan, a short walk from the headquarters of Inm igración, where protesters wore signs such as "kidnapping is a crime, seek asylum no", "we are many, they are few, vote, "" build bridges, not walls "or" no ban, no walls, no cages ".

The crowd left in silence with its protest across the century-old Brooklyn Bridge in the building that houses the Brooklyn Federal Court, defying the heat that was being felt today in the city and in the city. part of some 700 demonstrations that took place across the country

Last week Trump signed an executive order to end the separation of families on the border with Mexico, but did not Is not an effective plan of how this process will be carried out, stressed on his page the coalition of organizations that called for the march.

The executive order requires minors to be locked up in detention centers so that they can continue alongside their parents

"The Trump regime does it all or what can divide families migrant women, "said Donna Lieberman, executive director of the Civil Liberties Union, members of the coalition.

" The current crisis will not end until all separated children are reunited with their parents every family is treated with dignity and due process and our immigration policy reflects our values, "he said.

After being separated from their parents, immigrant children were resettled in different centers.

Last week, New York led a coalition of 18 Attorneys General who sued the Trump administration and asked the Federal Court to declare the practice unconstitutional. to separate parents and children and order the reunification of some 2,300 children with their parents.

They also asserted that "zero tolerance" is a discriminatory practice because it was only launched against immigrants entering the country through the Mexican border.

"Cruelty to children is definitely terrifying. It is not only fascist, it is terrorism, "said one of the participants in the New York march today to the press.

Perla López, a young activist from Se Hace Camino Nueva York, said she knew what to do – her mother, an experience that marked him when he was ten years old

" I know how traumatic he is. to be separated from his mother and not to know when one will be reunited with his family . These detention centers are not places for children or families. We must work together to end this racist and xenophobic policy of this administration, "he said in a statement

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