Called not to treat oneself – La Tarde



Self-medication against dengue, can mask the ravages of dengue fever

Faced with the exponential increase of vectors and the resulting risk of dengue fever for the inhabitants of the periphery, at the beginning of the rainy season, doctors in the health sector, call not to "disguise" the symptoms of dengue fever, with drugs derived from aspirin, because there is a risk that this leads to a worse situation, aggravating the disease.

A very characteristic symptom of dengue fever greater than 38.5 degrees Celsius, as well as headaches; pain "behind the eyes"; and the ailments in the muscles and bones, for which, aspirin and its derivatives should not be given.

Regarding the symptom of fever, the drugs of the above should not be taken according to the SSA, since the drug does not detect in the "first contact", a possible case of dengue .

"What a person with these symptoms should do, is not self-medication first and go immediately to your doctor, your health center, or your IMSS unit or ISSSTE ", in reference to the use of drugs against fever, which only exacerbate the cases of this disease transmitted by aedes aegypti.

And emphasizes the official information that home prevention, by getting rid of courtyards, garages, gardens, to completely close, the door to this evil, is essential.

Take a drug derived from aspirin, it is estimated that discomfort is passed, but dengue decreases the number of platelets in the blood, agents that allow coa gulation, so without noticing the patient, their periods of coagulation extend, which can lead to damage to health, becoming dengue hemorrhagic.

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