Calm those nerves! Eating your nails can cause cavities


HERMOSILLO (Notimex) .- If you are nervous or worried you tend to bite your nails you could cause the appearance of cavities in your mouth.

According to the State Stomatology Coordinator of the Sonora Ministry of Health, José Francisco Lam Felix, there are several factors that cause these bacteria, including biting their nails or kissing them.

Cavity is an infection composed of streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria that can cause other diseases such as cardiovascular disease, blood disorders gastrointestinal disorders and acute respiratory infections .

"Bacteria that cause tooth decay are aggressive and cross barriers, including the placenta, so it is recommended that women who are planning to become pregnant or who are already in this period, take care of their The head of the Department of Care of the Mouth and its structures said that caries can also be given by eating abundant carbohydrates and junk food abuse .

In addition to candy intake in general abundant consumption of lemon, uses the teeth as tools, introduced objects to the mouth and to eat nails.

"Cavity is very common to appear early in childhood because have various factors that can cause it it is also true that it is transmitted by kisses and utensils used by eating, "clarified the state official.

The presence of caries, he explains, can cause other, even more serious, ear diseases, tonsils or stomach that affect the brain and the heart, so it is recommended to maintain good oral health from an early age.

By mouth is the place where many diseases enter because it is the main door of the body, so oral health must be taken care of.

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