Can not you go to Wikipedia? Here we tell you what's going on


  Can not you go to Wikipedia? We tell you what's going on

A press release from the website calls on MEPs to vote against, to open the discussion and to consider the elimination of Articles 11 and 13. Photo: Pixabay


If in these last hours you tried to enter Wikipedia to search for information in Spanish, you surely came across a statement . If you are one of those who gave them laziness and did not read it calmly, we will explain in detail what is happening.

Believe it or not, the virtual encyclopedia has decided to close your site to protest against the proposal of European Parliament that could change the regulations on copyright and the right of the author. It will remain so until Thursday, July 5 when a decision will be made.

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According to Wikipedia, the new regulation would "threaten freedom online" ] and impose new filters , barriers and restrictions to accessing the web. Indicate that this would complicate actions such as sharing a news item in social networks or accessing via a search engine.

We want to continue to offer open, free, collaborative and free work with verifiable content. in the official notice that appears on the site.

In this text, an appeal is made to MEPs to vote against, open it for discussion and consider the deletion of Articles 11 and 13, which are the ones that have raised the most controversial.

According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Article 11 proposes that to link a news article as a source, permission should be requested from each news publisher in each particular case. Article 13 would require all websites that allow their community to participate in the construction of the Internet to install automatic filtering tools to compare contributions with To date, dozens of competent people in the the field of information technology strongly opposed this proposal, including the creator of the World Wide Web . , Tim Berners-Lee and pioneer of the Internet, Vinton.

According to the Wikipedia statistics center, Spanish-language users make more than 650,000 editions each month, and they write more than 200 new articles a day.

*** MJPR ***

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