Canada activates tariffs against the EU Sunday [Internacional] – 30/06/2018


El Financiero | Canada .- Canada's counterattack. The Justin Trudeau government has already defined the list of goods imported from the United States to which as of this Sunday will begin to apply special tariffs, in response to the protectionist policy of Donald Trump's administration. The announcement was made Friday in Hamilton, the country's major steel center. Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said on Friday that the retaliatory measure is contained, reciprocal and equivalent to US action. "We are not looking for an escalation, but we are not going backwards either," he warned.

The Canadian government has presented a list of American products that will pay between 10 and 25 per cent. National Day of Canada.

On June 1, a few hours before the coming into force of US steel and aluminum tariffs, Minister Freeland and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada announced privileges a total value of 16 600 million Canadian dollars (about 10.8 billion euros), equivalent to the impact of tariffs set on Canada in one year.

Freeland and Trudeau said the measure would be activated on July 1, leaving open the possibility that the United States would reverse. However, time is running out and Washington has not moved.

This Friday, the detailed list of products with special rates has been made public. In addition to steel and aluminum (including pipes, cables, doors, nails and windows), they also include products such as coffee, sauces, cosmetics, spirits, towels, pillows and pens .

for Canadian aluminum and steel companies affected by United States government levies. Minister Freeland said Ottawa would allocate nearly C $ 2 billion (about $ 1,300 million) in loans and innovation projects as well as in the US $ 1 billion. ; unemployment insurance.

Resources will be distributed through the Canada Investment Bank, the Economic Development Agency and the Strategic Innovation Fund. Also this Friday, François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of International Trade, visited Saguenay, Quebec, where a large part of Canadian aluminum is being manufactured, to recall that the federal government will provide the necessary support for this industry.

Justin Trudeau pointed out in different instances, the measures imposed by Washington, under the defense of national security, seem stupid. Donald Trump responded to Trudeau's words at the end of the G7 summit in Charlevoix, Quebec, calling the prime minister "dishonest" and "weak" via Twitter.

Freeland took advantage of the Hamilton press conference to reiterate the Canadian vision: "The excuse of national security is not only absurd, it is also offensive. The tariffs are illegal under the rules of the WTO (the World Trade Organization) and the TCLAN (the North American Free Trade Agreement). We filed complaints to challenge them. He also said that Washington had the solution through the cancellation of privileges

Minister Freeland said the Canadian government is in constant communication with the Mexican and European authorities, also affected by US measures. [19659002HealsoreferredtoNAFTAsayingthatthethreeNorthAmericancountriesintendtointensifyrenegotiationsaftertheMexicanelectionsthatwilltakeplaceonSundayUnitedbysimilarmeasuresandreachesouttoitssteelandaluminumproducers

However, it can not break bridges with the country to which it is shipping 72% of its exports. all this, the threat of Trump to impose tariffs of 25% on imported cars flies over

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