Canada Announces US $ 12.6 Billion Fine in the United States


The Justin Trudeau government announced the imposition of tariffs on US products as of July 1.

TORONTO (Expansion) –

The Canadian government announced Friday that it would impose tariffs on imports from the United States for $ 12,600 million and that they would enter into July 1st.

Foreign Affairs, Chrystia Freeland; Economic Development, Navdeep Bains, and the Worker, Patty Hadju, Announced it in a Steel Company in the City of Hamilton, South of Toronto

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US products listed will be subject to a 10% tariff in retaliation for the US imposition of 25% duties on imports of Canadian steel and 10% on those of aluminum

Lee: Canada is preparing a protection against a possible flood of steel .

Ministers also announced financial assistance to Canadian producers of steel and aluminum for $ 1.52 billion for their steel production. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Ottawa would not be "intimidated" by the administration of US President Donald Trump.

Precisely these words of Trudeau were used by Trump to threaten new tariffs of up to 25% on imports of cars and components from Canada.

Lee: Trudeau must become in "Captain Canada" to face the anger of Trump .

The trade reprisals announced by Canada are "the most energetic commercial actions" adopted by the country since the end of the Second World War, as Freeland May said

D & # 39; after information from EFE and AFP


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