Canada prepares trip to Mexico to defend trilateral FTA


Photo: Special

L at the Department of Foreign Affairs announced the visit, on July 25, of a high-level delegation of the Government of Canada, led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chrystia Freeland, meeting with President Enrique Peña and the virtual winner of the elections on 1 July, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

"The Department of Foreign Affairs reports that on July 25, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chrystia Freeland, will tour Mexico City, leading a high-level delegation from the Government of Canada. ", wrote the agency in a statement.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this visit will take place several weeks after the meeting. by Enrique Peña and López Obrador with an elite group sent by US President Donald Trump, includes a meeting with part of the Mexican team negotiating the treaty The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada will meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luis Videgaray, and Secretary of the Economy, Ildefonso Guajardo, to take stock of the main issues raised by the Foreign Minister of Canada. problems of bilateral relations, as well as the process of modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement. "


Press Release

The arrival of Freeland was announced after Donald Trump asserted that the negotiations they have so far with the current President and López Obrador are good, then he proposed that his country could conclude a bilateral trade agreement with Mexico.

In recent days, the press secretary of the White House, Sarah Sanders said: "We see a lot of progress in the negotiations with Mexico and if we can conclude a bilateral agreement with them, we would certainly be happy to do so. "

  • El Dato: ] Canada rejected Trump's suggestion to seek independent trade agreements with his trading partners NAFTA

In this regard, Ildefonso Guajardo assured that, despite the July 26 meeting with the EU, in a bilateral conversation, the will of Mexico is that the agreement also includes the It

Minister Freeland will arrive in our country accompanied by James Carr, Minister of International Trade Diversification; William Morneau, Minister of Finance; Brian Clow, Coordinator, Office of US-Canada Relations, Office of the Prime Minister; and John Hannaford, Counselor for International Affairs and Defense

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