Canada will impose tariffs on the United States for $ 12,600 million


Canada announced Friday a $ 12.6 billion retaliatory tax against the United States for taxes imposed by the Donald Trump government on steel and aluminum in Canada.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government released the final list of products that will be impacted by the measure on July 1. Some will pay tariffs of 10 or 25%

Trudeau and President Trump spoke Friday night

"As he has said in previous conversations and in public, the Prime Minister has said that Canada "There was no choice to announce reciprocal countermeasures against steel and aluminum tariffs imposed by the United States on June 1, 2018," Trudeau said in a statement. a statement

"The two leaders agreed to be in close communication to go forward". 19659002] This was the first direct conversation between the two since Trump tweeted that Trudeau was "weak" and "dishonest" after leaving the G7 meeting earlier this month in Quebec

Trudeau also conversed with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and informed him of Canada's response to US tariffs.

Rates on items that include ketchup, lawn mowers and boats equipped with a motor equi. They are worth $ 12.6 billion

"We will not seek to step up or retract," said Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland.

Many American products were chosen more for their political than economic impact. For example, Canada imports only $ 3 million worth of American yogurt each year and most come from a Wisconsin factory, the state House Speaker Paul Ryan. The product will now pay a 10% fee.

"It's a perfectly reciprocal measure," Freeland said. "It's a dollar-for-dollar answer."

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