Canadian Chancellor Chrystia Freeland will visit Mexico for meetings with AMLO and Peña


The Foreign Relations Secretariat (SRE) reported on Thursday that Canada's Foreign Minister, Chrystia Freeland, will visit Mexico on July 25 and meet with Virtual President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

In a statement, the agency said that Freeland will also hold a meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto.

The Minister will also meet with Luis Videgaray, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, and Ildefonso Guajardo, Secretary of the Economy to discuss, among other issues, the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement [19659004].

On July 13, López Obrador meets at his home with Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State, and a delegation of US officials, which also included Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury.

On Wednesday, US President Donald Trump opened the possibility that his country will give priority to a bilateral agreement with Mexico on Canada.

In this regard, Ildefonso Guajardo emphasized that the federal government's goal is that NAFTA remains a trilateral trade agreement and that renegotiation can be concluded in November.

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