Cancel NAIM would be a bad signal for investors, says BMV director


The cancellation of the new Mexico City airport would send a bad signal to investors, said the managing director of the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), José Oriol Bosch Par.

"The airport survey adds more uncertainty and volatility (to the markets) and we believe that if the Texcoco project is not followed and we see it less as a stock market or for our investors, it would have an impact. negative not only in the markets but in the country, "he said.

Lee: The joint operation between Santa Lucia and AICM is viable, says Jiménez Espriú

With regard to the alert issued by the financial authorities for a piracy of the insurer Axa , commented that since the last computer hacking related to the Interbank Electronic Payment System (ISPS), the stock market had strengthened all the safeguards and already even had a specific area of ​​cybersecurity.

Tuesday, the Nobel laureate Robert Shiller wanted security to those who have invested in the new Texcoco airport.

This Thursday begins the consultation on the cancellation of work in Texcoco and the start of the expansion in Santa Lucia.

Share HERE in the Expansió survey , if you wish to participate in the consultation on the fate of NAIM.

With information from Notimex

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