Cancel your wedding and party with the homeless


The luxurious place and the food – which was going to be wasted – cost 26 thousand dollars.

One of the best days in the lives of the homeless, a girl became her "tragedy".

It turns out that young Sarah Cummings was getting married at the luxurious Ritz Charles Hotel in Carmel, Indiana. United States, with a holiday that would cost 26 thousand dollars

But the wedding was canceled several days before the date and the young woman had to call each guest one by one and explain to them that the event has been cancelled.

] "It was devastating.I apologized, I cried, I called the musicians, I still cried, but when I found out that all this food would be thrown in the trash, I felt bad. "

Here's how the young woman decided the city and invite people to the banquet, which thanked, and thanked again, l & # 39; excellent food and the day he gave them.

Frozen meatballs, goat cheese kebabs, chicken breast with artichokes and Chardonnay cream, as well as wedding cakes for dessert, guests ate, reports Televisa News .

The young woman gave a teaching, and the homeless had one of the most motivating days of their lives. Watch the moments in this video:

With information from Indianapolis Star.

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