Candidates and "Shadow" from Duarte to Chihuahua


CITY OF MEXICO ( .- The loss of prestige of the former fugitive governor of Chihuahua, Caesar Duarte, as well as the complicities that he woven, became a " Shadow "for the candidates of his party and the expriistas who jumped to other political forces to demand deputies and town halls in the electoral process that concluded on July 1.

The candidates for the mayoralty of Chihuahua for Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena), the national and revolutionary institutional action parties (PRI), it is they who showed the most strongly the ballast of the name of César Duarte [19659003] The parties that dressed politicians who worked near Duarte Jáquez or who approved without questioning the initiatives and reforms that he promoted to weave his network of corruption Exmandatario priista, were Green Ecologist and New Covenant ( Honeycomb), mainly

During Duarte's six years, all parties acted with mansedu and justified the initiatives he sent, the securitizations and the debt; security reforms, some of which have been rejected in federal proceedings; they also approved their public accounts without comment, among other things that allowed the former PRI Governor to weave the network of corruption and work on impunity.

Fractions and parties that co-ruled with him and defended his positions were the PT, PRD, Panal, PVEM, Movimiento Ciudadano MC), his own party, the PRI, and in a few moments, PAN

that with the victory of the PAN Javier Corral to the governorship the parties worked to weave new alliances to avoid losing privileges

Cruz Pérez Cuéllar, who triumphed as Morena's candidate in the Senate, n & rsquo; Had won no election in recent years. He is considered one of the political enemies of Corral Jurado and is also his accomplice.

Pérez Cuéllar, who was PAN's deputy and head of state, was accused of embezzlement and suspended a year of play. Before the deadline of his sanction, he resigned and went to Movimiento Ciudadano as president of the Orange party state.

In 2017, during the hearing link process for the alleged deviation of 15 million pesos against the businessman Jaime Fong Rios – part of the César Duarte Corruption Network – , a protected witness revealed that the former governor paid Cruz Pérez Cuéllar's campaign when he was running for governorship by MC in order to "weaken" Corral.

The money was diverted between 2015 and 2016 and, according to the witness's testimony OLP615234 / 2017, was used in the Pérez Cuéllar campaign and other PRI election campaigns in 2016. The process continues and the charges have not been verified yet. 19659002] Also in Juárez

In Juárez, Morena appointed Javier González Mocken as candidate for mayor, who is also related to Caesar Duarte because he was the mayor of Termino de Juárez when the exiled Enrique Serrano Escobar fought for the governorship against Javier Corral Jurado

González Mocken won by 981 votes against Armando Cabada Alvídrez, an independent candidate who seeks to be re-elected as municipal president. The first received 177 000 460 votes and the second 176 000 489.

Cabada Alvídrez contested the election and subsequently Gonzalez Mocken. The Morena candidate has contracted with party lawyer Federico Solano to notary Guillermo Dowell Delgado, former PRI president during the last stage of Duarte's six-year term.

The Secret Payroll

People near the state government released after searching for one of Duarte's properties in Parral, last year, which found a secret payroll in which were several PANs, including Maria Eugenia Campos Galván, who was a local deputy, as well as bishops, local lawmakers and some federal deputies

In the trials conducted by the Prosecutor General's Office sentenced to three years in a parole procedure, the former deputy Fernando Mariano Reyes Ramírez, of MC, for having irregularly received more than 2 million pesos of cash by order of Duarte. In the documents found during this search, they detected signatures on documents showing the delivery of money, in 2014 and 2015, for nearly 8 million pesos in Campos Galván, according to copies provided to El Diario de Juárez

Priista Alejandro Domínguez and former PRI (mayor candidate for Chihuahua for Morena), Fernando Tiscareño, filed formal complaints against the mayor with a license that sought to be re-elected and won

. The widespread criticism of the state government is that it has not ruled on the case as it has done with other politicians from other parties, who are under investigation or which have already been prosecuted.

Javier Corral himself denounced, since last January, the existence of the secret payroll of Duarte, located in the basement of the residence of the former governor, and even assured that several politicians had them sign

Corral told the media: "I imagine, he wanted to have some sort of life insurance in terms of his political salvation, keeping a lot of documentation from those who received amounts different with his signature. " [19659002] He also stated that, from there, they learned misappropriation of money for other election campaigns.

In the debate organized by the Electoral State Institute (IEE) between mayoral candidates of Chihuahua, Alejandro Domínguez and Fernando Tiscareño resumed accusations against the PAN

Campos Galván set out doubt the moral quality of Dominguez, because he would have been an accomplice of Duarte and Tiscareño, as it was pointed out – although not in court – to be part of the omission that caused the tragedy Aeroshow in October 2013, in which nine people died (including four children) and more than a hundred were injured. He was a municipal government official headed by PRI member Marco Adán Quezada Martínez.

The PAN chief of state, Fernando Álvarez Monge, and the deputy Rocío González, who as a regidora claimed justice for the victims of Aeroshow, defended Maru Campos.

The mayor and PANs downplayed the accusation against him and denied that they were part of the secret payroll of the ex-governor

"They showed a perverse spectacle. I have nothing to hide, I will appear in front of the authority.I have not received resources illegally, "said the candidate for debate

. She then disputed the fact that Alejandro Domínguez lied in his "3de3" statement and that he approved initiatives like Duarte

Rocío González recalled that Tiscareño is complicit in the accident of Aeroshow and cited the administrative file 1822/2013, where a witness states that the former official ordered to falsify the civil protection records when the tragedy occurred.

Morena's candidate is assured that it was not Fernando Álvarez said about Tiscareño and Domínguez: "One seizes the presidential candidate and the other wants to get rid of his political godfather. "

Campos Galván also criticized him for alleged misappropriation of funds and the simulation of contracts in his administration and the use of a suburb of 7.4 million pesos for his campaign. "Corruption does not deserve to be re-elected" was the motto of Alejandro Dominguez

In an interview with Proceso Alejandro Dominguez says that he's in the PRI for more of 20 years, he is stage manager, president of the state and deputy, among other positions.

The first three years of the Duarte government were the chairman of the Security Commission, one of the strategic commissions for this government, and the other three years he was PRI chairman and federal deputy.

Dominguez was removed from Duarte, since he did not know him, and he would have invited him to preside over the Enrique Serrano Security Commission, while he was there. was president of the local congressional court. And when Serrano asks permission to participate as coordinator of the presidential campaign of Enrique Peña Nieto, Alejandro Domínguez remains president of the legislature.

He also attempted to be a candidate for mayor of Chihuahua in 2013, but this possibility was eventually canceled. He was named president of the PRI state and invited to work as treasurer of Pedro Mauli Romero Chávez, who is his compadre and is now imprisoned for allegedly diverting the treasure to the PRI campaigns.

The former operator of Beltrones

"In my administration there was no electoral campaign, I do not know Alejandro Gutiérrez (ex-operator of the 39; former PRI national Manlio Fabio Beltrones and former deputy general secretary of the national PRI, now imprisoned by the alleged hijacked 250 million pesos), the new building did not have to build me.

"Pedro and I are friends, his wife I have known since high school (…) she always worked well, that 's why I invited her to be Secretary of surety bonds. "

Later, Dominguez asked why the former Treasury Secretary, Jaime Herrera Corral, was not in detention .Payroll direct remittances to send them to the game." Instead of handing over the 39, money to the officials, he distributed money from the government accounts and extracted resources of more than 5 or 6 thousand pesos. "

On public accounts of Duarte and the millionaire misappropriation of 39; public money the state agencies in complicity with the fractions and other social actors, Alejandro Domínguez said that the analysis came directly from the Supervisory Board and the movements were approved. [19659002] He also assured that he did not perceive this fact – nor the situation of insecurity, when the victims of relatives of missing persons shouted justice and admit that the state convulsed from the south central area of ​​the state.

For him, Pedro Mauli Romero does not is not part of the road to money and, those who are, they are free ", which makes me uncomfortable with the governor's strategy."

The former candidate said that he had decided to fight with the mark of the PRI because the party is not the people, "the one who fought the crime is Caesar Duarte, not all the others (…) or change or we will change people. "

At the end of the campaign on July 1, Alejandro Domínguez recriminated the state and national leadership of his party

The two legislatures that accompanied Duarte during his six-year term were questioned by expert lawyers, by organizations (which today seem too silent against Javier Corral) and by the citizens, because of the authoritarian measures They had to appear before the federal courts, where they were declared unconstitutional

. For example, the specialist in political law and public administration, Jorge Arturo Chávez Álvarez, reported the approval of the artist of the prison for life who has collapsed; dismissal of judges who released the murderer of young Rubí Marisol Frayre Escobedo, daughter of activist Marisela Escobedo Ortiz, murdered in front of the Government Palace on 10 December 2010.

In addition, she emphasized the approval of the "passing" reforms of the government at the time, such as reforms of the Civil and Family Codes of the State of Chihuahua, to focus the real estate wealth on the most powerful, actions which created a procedural unfairness against the most vulnerable class.

Citizen participation was null or mocked because they imposed nominations in organizations such as the Chihuahua Institute of Transparency and Access to Public Information (Ichitaip), which were also disputed. The current situation in this organization is similar to that of the previous sexennium.

Victims of the system and violence have multiplied in the past and have not been recognized as such, except that the numbers were constituted and the vast majority of fractions in the two legislatures that made up the duartista sexenio they remained silent.

Controversial Substitutions

Before the imminent Morena Trail in the country and in part of the state, and before the PRI debacle, the nest of Bee PVEM, PRD and PT have requested a series of substitutions so that those who control these parties in recent years can be placed in the top positions of their respective lists of candidates for multi-member deputies.

In the session of June 30 before the election), the Electoral Institute of the State (IEE) approved several substitutions that angered users of social networks and much of Citizenship:

Prior to the Ex-leader of Section 8 of the National Union of Education Workers and first on the list of multi-nominated honeycomb, Alejandro Villarreal Aldaz, the replacement, has been replaced by René Frías Bencomo, secretary general of section 42 of the SNTE and local deputy in the current legislature.

Villarreal is accused of deflating 5 million pesos in complicity with former education and finance officials of the Duarte government, which should have been used in obligations for teachers and scholarships. studies for the children of

The virtual "owner" of Chihuahua PT, Rubén Aguilar Jiménez, replaced two candidates who had applied, Susana Muriel Acosta and Flor Grisel Iturralde Galván, for their two daughters: Tania Matilde and Iskra Nacori Aguilar Gil. 19659002] The PVEM made changes to place Alejandro Gloria, husband of party leader María Serna Aguilar, on the first list of multi-nominees. Nlistó in the third site. Antonio Andreu Rodríguez is also candidate for the post of local deputy of district 6 of Juárez

Andreu was local deputy of the PRI during the third triennium of Caesar Duarte and president of the municipal council of water and water. sanitation. (JCAS) of Juarez, which has been identified with irregularities that are under investigation.

In this same session, the PRD placed Crystal Tovar Aragón, also a candidate for a local deputation, on the first site of the multi-member list. Her aunts and her mother have been candidates for the last legislative assemblies.

Miguel Angel González, candidate of the XVIIth district of Chihuahua for Panal, is another recognized PRI candidate who fought unsuccessfully for another party. He has been a deputy and an official in several administrations of his party.

Similarly, the PRI supported for various positions among the PRI, and only some of them won in the Sierra Tarahumara.

candidate for ex-governor Jose Reyes Baeza Terrazas, who was seeking to be a senator. One day after the elections, he said at a press conference that his party will have to take action against PRI members who have come out "through the door of the service" and others who "are at l & # 39; inside. "

Adriana Terrazas was accused of abuse of funds as a civil servant in the municipal government of Juarez with the former mayor Enrique Serrano Escobar, during the Duarte administration, was appointed mayor of this border municipality and was in fourth place. In his propaganda the PRI logo was not distinguishable or in that of the other candidates of his party.

The mayoral candidate of Juárez by Morena, Javier González Mocken, was also linked with Duarte because he provided former Mayor Enrique Serrano, when he pleaded for the post of governor against Javier Corral.

The former delegate of the Ministry of Social Development in Chihuahua, José Luis Lamadrid, was also PRI candidate to a local deputation for District 18. The former official lost and was in third position.

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