Carambola is registered at Puerta Santa Fe; there are 8 dead


The night of this Wednesday a carom was recorded of 12 vehicles on the Mexico-Toluca highway, near Puerta Santa Fe; emergency services for the wounded.

The local public security secretariat confirmed eight gun deaths at kilometer 14.5 of the Mexico-Toluca highway, at the height of Álvaro Obregón.

The Raymundo Collins, chief of police of the capital, in coordination with the staff of the Rescue and Emergency Medical Squadron (ERUM), the Yaqui Area and the Undersecretary of Traffic Control, carry out work with the agencies of intervention of urgency so as to be present at least 40 people instead.

The works of attention continue in the place with the support of three airships of the Grouping Cóndores.

To date, more than 20 injured and about 12 cars have been reported.

The Traffic Information Center of the Ministry of Public Security of Mexico City He urged motorists to drive on the Federal Highway Mexico – Toluca.

"Emergency services go on the highway # MexicoToluca at the height of 14 km + 800 by rolling. # Alternative federal highway #Toluca Mexico," said via Twitter.

The local agency added that traffic is closed near the accident.

"The traffic from Camino to Santa Fe in Belén continues to be closed. # AlternativaVial #Constituyentes and Antigua Via a Venta," he said.


While the work of rescue after vehicle accident who left a Preliminary assessment of seven deaths, Office of the Attorney General of Mexico started a investigation for him homicide crime for car traffic.

According to preliminary data from the addiction, there are 12 confirmed injuries, which can be changed during the attention of the emergency teams.

The accident occurred in the kilometer 15 of the Mexico-Toluca highway, at the height of the Santa Fe Puerta, Colonia Carlos A. Madrazo, mayor of Álvaro Obregón, where a trailer hit several vehicles, presumably after being short of brakes.

With information from Andrea Ahedo


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