Caries, the leading cause of dental pain


Mexico, (Notimex) .- Dental caries is the leading cause of dental pain in children and adults, and the main symptom that exists is the sensation of pain when eating something sweet, very cold or very hot . 19659002] When there is pain, it is important to consult a dentist, but in what is viewed, it is recommended to take an over-the-counter pain reliever to relieve the pain but without applying aspirin or other pain reliever .

Caries are formed when living bacteria in the mouth develop with sugars and starches in food, forming a plaque that adheres to the surface of the teeth.

Acids produced by bacteria from this plate, they can puncture the white and hard coating of the outer part of the teeth (enamel) and create a decay, which must be taken into account to prevent it from progressing and compromising the tooth where she is

Clinic said that sometimes the disintegration looks like brown or white spots on the teeth.

Other causes of oral pain can be the accumulation of food and debris between teeth, especially when they are separated, inflamed or infected with teeth. the root of a tooth or a gum.

It can also be a result of trauma to a tooth, such as an injury or a grinding of teeth, a sudden fracture of a tooth or a tooth root, a crack of the tooth over time, or an infection that may seem to be a pain in the teeth.

In addition to visiting the dentist, you can rinse your mouth with lukewarm water, use floss to remove any food particles between your teeth or plaque

If the pain is the result from a trauma to the tooth, it is recommended to apply a cold compress on the outside of the cheek.

Therefore, the specialists of said clinic asked to be careful with the patient. Products that contain benzocaine, and especially do not use in children under two years, or exceed the dose.

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