Carlos Adrián Morales withdraws from football


The Afición

The midfielder Carlos Adrián Morales ended his professional football career after 20 years which began on September 13, 1998, defending the jersey of Morelia.

By his story of Twitter Morales publishes a moving letter in which he thanks his family, his friends and his colleagues who give him the opportunity to play in the Mexican football circuit [19659006] The 20 arrived, I left with "La Locura", with "the incomparable", with the "brave" that this GREAT PASSION was. I keep the memory of MY TEAMS, MY COMPANIONS AND FRIENDS.
Thank you FUTBOL. We will always be linked.

– Carlos A. Morales28 (@ CarMorales28) July 18, 2018

Carlos Adrián 38 years old, began his career with Morelia to dress later the colors of Pachuca, Tigers, Toluca, Estudiantes Tecos, Santos Laguna and Lobos BUAP.

During his 20 years as a professional, the midfielder won four championship titles with Morelia, Pachuca, Toluca and Santos but also suffered a decrease with Lobos BUAP in the maximum circuit.

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